As we celebrate Memorial Day this weekend, let us teach our children how to pray for those who have died in active combat as well as for all those who have gone before us trusting in the mercy of God.
“Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.” Amen
-Jo Ann Elder
As the academic year draws to a close and our faith formation programs are on summer hiatus, I would personally like to thank our catechists, their spouses and families, our kitchen volunteers, the staff here at Nativity Catholic Church, and all those who pitched in and helped bring the Good News of our Lord, Jesus Christ, to our parish family – especially to our youngsters.* Thank you for giving your time, your talent, and your treasure in witnessing to our rich faith and its tradition. Faith must be caught, not just taught, and it is from your personal willingness to share what you have with others that the Church goes forth to sow, plant, and reap anew. Thank you for all you did for these little ones. As Jesus says, you also did it for Him! May God bless you and keep you safe and may you return to us with a renewed spirit ready to sow the seeds of faith again!
*If you have not done so already, please remember to RSVP for this Wednesday evening’s event by contacting me as soon as possible at [email protected].
If you have been thinking about becoming Catholic but are unsure how to go about it, now is an ideal time! Here at Nativity Catholic Church we have an ongoing process of inquiry and formation for those individuals who would like to better understand the teachings of the Catholic Church and how they help us become the men and women God created us to be. It is called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). If you or someone you know is interested in exploring Catholicism, contact Jo Ann Elder, Director of Faith Formation, at 407-322-3961 or email her at
[email protected].